
Marine Corps ‘Blood Pinning’ Hazing

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I was sickened to read of the Marine hazing incident (Feb. 1) when subordinate Marines had metal insignias pounded into their chests. Are we not the intelligent life on this planet? What other species finds amusement in inflicting pain and suffering on its like kind? The most ferocious of animals, acting on instinct, will wound and kill to maintain territorial or herd superiority, but have you ever heard of an animal wounding for amusement? I’m ashamed for America, as this incident will be telecast around the world. Are we no better than Nazis?

And where is the root of this violence? Have we lost the will to teach gentleness? Our children are growing up zapping, squashing and exploding electronic icons. Movies and TV continue to exude gore and repulsive, degenerate behavior for the purpose of entertainment and amusement. Through lack of attention we are forsaking the good and the beautiful and as a nation we are regressing into our baser natures. Our children will be no kinder than the examples we set forward in the entertainment we provide. What a frightening future!


Woodland Hills

* I was in the Marines back in the ‘50s and sometimes we went through brutal training and experiences that were worse than having pins stuck in your skin. I don’t see what the big deal is. I was proud to be a Marine because it was the elite of the armed forces.



Panorama City

* Re “Brutal Hazing Has No Place in Marine Corps Culture,” editorial, Feb. 4: The so-called “brutal” Marine Corps hazing is no more shocking or horrific than what these men are trained for. That being to kill or maim or to experience being killed or maimed. Having jump wings pounded into your chest is no big deal compared to having your flesh rendered by high-powered weaponry.

Why fly into a tizzy over some relatively minor injuries inflicted with small metal pins? If we’re willing to face ugliness, let’s look at the larger picture of why the military exists and its intended usage.


Santa Ana
