
Take Salt Warning With a Grain


The concern exhibited by Art Bruington in his letter (Feb. 5) on the disposing of brine down the drain is unfounded and, to put it mildly, absurd. Why? Because if every one of the 11.3 million people living in Los Angeles and Orange counties ingested no more than just the RDA of sodium (2,400 mg) each day, they would have to eliminate and flush down the sewer more than 150,000 pounds of sodium each and every day. If meat brining and home ice cream making ever become quite the rage, I am sure that the amount of salt finding its way into the sewer system from this source would be insignificant in comparison. This is not even considering all the salt water poured down the drain from pasta and noodle cooking. We all need to be concerned about the environment, but let’s not be ridiculous. There are enough real problems out there that there is no need to make up any fictional ones.


Santa Monica
