
No Parole: While the world focused on...


No Parole: While the world focused on the suicides of 39 cult members this week, the Valley’s most notorious cult guru went before a parole board for the ninth time . . . Prosecutor Stephen Kay told the panel, “Finding Charles Manson unsuitable for parole is the easiest decision you will have this year.” The board agreed. Manson’s clan once lived at the Spahn Ranch above Chatsworth.

Winners and Losers: Stargazers thrilled to the sight of Comet Hale-Bopp, visible to the naked eye even from the brightly lit Valley floor. . . . Daniel John O’Hare, 28, of Granada Hills was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for killing three members of a Van Nuys family in a 1995 traffic accident. He was fleeing police at the time.

Hard-Boiled Sales: Challenged in modern times by chocolate and plastic versions, the egg is still a prince among Easter treats. . . . State egg farmers shipped 500,000 cases this week, according to the California Egg Commission, up from the weekly average of 350,000 cases. There are 30 dozen, or 360 eggs, to a case.


The Week Ahead: Construction is set to begin Monday on the Glendale Marketplace, a $30-million shopping and entertainment complex. . . . Upon its completion next spring, the Marketplace will be the city’s largest retail development since the Glendale Galleria opened 20 years ago.
