
Mom Makes Case Against Day Care


Re “Study Finds Day Care No Learning Bar” and “Orange County Parents Sing Praises of Day Care,” April 4, and “Saying Mothers Shouldn’t Work, Church Drops Care,” April 5:

I am a stay-at-home mom who feels very privileged to do so. This is my job, my career. I may not receive any monetary compensation for what I do, but it is one of the most important, demanding, frustrating and satisfying jobs there is.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, those of us who choose to raise our children ourselves are made to feel that what we do is not worthwhile or significant. It is as if people think that we are not smart enough to do anything else. What a selfish “me” generation we’ve become! We now rely on “buying out” and having others take care of our responsibilities so we can pursue what’s “best for me.” It is left to the schools and day-care workers to do our job.


It is no wonder that our society is suffering from a lack of values. Sure, kids in day care learn equally as well as children whose moms stay at home. But do they have the proper moral upbringing? Do they learn manners? Do they have the security of knowing that the one who loves them the most is there to correct and guide them?

By putting our children in day care “because I’m just not a stay-at-home type of mom” or “It gives me time to pursue my career,” we are perpetuating the notion that children aren’t important enough to deserve our full-time attention.

Sure there are legitimate reasons for using day care: single parents or those at the poverty level. But especially here in Orange County, those of us pursuing the bigger house or better car need to rethink our own values.

I applaud the Baptist church in Little Rock for closing their day care because it encourages mothers to work outside the home. It may create a burden to some and not be a perfect solution, but it is important to take a stand. We’ve got to start somewhere.


Rancho Santa Margarita
