
Police Centers


Re: “Police Centers: Outreach or Overreaching?” March 31.

The locations you describe in your article as leased are actually being donated to the LAPD at no charge. They are staffed in large part by volunteers, and the utilities are in most part being paid by outside charitable organizations. Also, much of the office furniture and equipment has been donated by private parties and has not burdened taxpayers.

The LAPD Community OutReach Centers’ only failing is that many may not be busy enough or that part of the community has not participated as well as the Van Nuys, West Valley and Devonshire areas have. They are a valuable resource to the local community and, over time, as the word about these centers is spread, they will be utilized more by both the department and the public. Meanwhile, based on the centers’ low cost and wonderful benefits, it would be a shame to pull the plug on them.


