
Rummage Sale Will Aid Famine Victims


Famine brought on by two years of devastating floods in North Korea has prompted a Paramount church to organize a weekend rummage sale to benefit and raise awareness of the tragedy’s distant victims.

St. Raphael Korean Catholic Center is offering rows of videotapes, clothing and housewares for sale through Saturday beside the church at 15946 Downey Ave. All proceeds will be sent to the United Nations-sanctioned Campaign to Stop Famine in North Korea.

Youth minister Chris Kwon said congregation leaders put on the sale to help parishioners’ long-lost relatives, as well as to teach younger church members how to join international relief efforts.


Food rations in North Korea have dwindled to half a bowl of rice a day per person after floods in 1995 and 1996 ruined about 1 million acres of farmland. International observers have reported seeing starving families eating grass and bark in desperation.

The crisis has shaken many Korean Americans who sought refuge in the United States during the Korean War.
