
Lot of Questions in Armored Car Heist

Associated Press

An armored truck guard who vanished along with $2.7 million on his 30th birthday may have been contemplating the theft for some time and perhaps had an accomplice, an FBI agent said Thursday.

Bobby O’Neal Negri is charged with stealing the money from the truck on Wednesday while the driver went into a fast-food restaurant for breakfast.

Left in the truck were Negri’s pistol and a postcard reading: “Is Paris this nice this time of year? Oui. Bye.”


Negri’s wife, Kelly, told investigators that prized elephant sculptures given to Negri by his mother were missing, according to an affidavit filed by FBI agent Stephen Gray.

“Bobby Negri let no one touch those items and was very protective of them,” Gray wrote. “Kelly Negri believed if Bobby Negri were leaving, he would take those items with him.”

Agent Walt Lamar said the FBI expected to charge a second person in the theft.

A dispatcher said Negri, who usually drove himself to work, had been dropped off that morning by a person with “shoulder-length, light brown hair” who was driving Negri’s truck, Gray’s affidavit said.
