
Portable Classes Prompt Safety Fears From Parents


The portable classrooms that have been installed on the Alta Vista School playground to accommodate second- and third-graders in the class-size reduction program are causing a safety concern among Redondo Beach parents.

More than 150 parents have signed a petition asking the Redondo Beach Unified School District to move the classrooms, arguing that the portable units will block playground supervisors’ view of the hallways and bathrooms that students use at recess. The portable units were set up about four weeks ago and parents are urging that they be moved to another part of the campus before school starts Sept. 8.

“The district has gone the extra mile in providing these classrooms so our kids can benefit from a smaller class size,” said Kathy Esposto, PTA president and a noon playground monitor. “We just want them to move the classrooms so the children will be safe.”
