
Applications Being Taken for Housing Aid Lottery


The Long Beach Housing Authority began taking applications Tuesday for a January lottery to choose 10,000 low-income families to be placed on a waiting list to receive federal rental assistance.

The families will be added to a list of families seeking subsidies under the federal Section 8 program, which pays a portion of the rent.

“Unfortunately, many families qualify,” said Housing Authority Manager Reginald Harrison. “Many people think Section 8 is only for welfare recipients, but that is not true. At that restaurant that you really like, your waitress may be on the program.”


To qualify, a family’s gross income must not exceed certain limits, Harrison said. For example, income for a family of four cannot exceed $25,650.

Forms will be available through Dec. 16 at all library branches, police substations and some community agencies. There is no advantage to applying early, Harrison said, but forms must be mailed no later than Dec. 31 to the Long Beach Housing Authority, Box 22631, Long Beach 90801.
