
Paducah Slayings


Another month, another massacre perpetrated by a ticking time bomb of a human being without any previous criminal record (Dec. 2-3). The mantra of the NRA and its political hirelings, “Only felons will have guns,” continues to entrance millions of Americans into ignoring the pleas of victims and police officers alike to get the guns off the streets.

I have a dream: that one day huge national bounties will flush out most of our weapons, and citizens will pay their respects to fellow murdered citizens at memorial sculptures made of melted-down gunmetal.


Pacific Palisades

* I just read your Dec. 3 editorial, “Firepower in Young Hands.” I do not understand why newspapers are against the Constitution. The biggest laugh I got out of the editorial was the statement that “deadly weapons still remain within easy reach of most young Americans.” It is a flat-out lie. Guns in 1950s were much easier to get than they are today. You were able to get one from the Sears catalog. Try to do that today.


It is a sad thing that people today feel that they have to resort to some sort of violence. But don’t blame the gun.


