
Damp Inside Walls Dry Eventually


Q After the recent heavy rains, I found that water was puddling on the floor in one corner of our living room. There was no water dripping from the ceiling, but I later learned that a roof leak had dripped water inside the wall. I was told I should have dryers brought in to get rid of the moisture inside the wall. Is that necessary? Won’t it dry on its own?



A Stucco walls have some type of vents built into them, so the moisture inside the walls will eventually dry out, says Jim Gorman of Rancho Lumber in Westminster.

Until that happens, you may have a problem with moisture getting inside the house and possibly damaging the floor and carpet. You can rent a hot blower system, or a rental yard can direct you to people who do that service.


The high-speed fan and heater--similar to that used to dry out carpets that have been flood damaged--directs hot, dry air into the moist area through a hole in the wall.


Q In one of my bedrooms I have sliding mirrored closet doors. There’s a crack along the bottom of one of the doors that’s not noticeable to most people, but I see it every time I walk in the room. Can this type of mirror be replaced, or do I need to replace the whole door?




A It is possible to replace the mirror, and, depending on the type of door it is, it may be the least expensive way to fix the problem, says Katy Jackson of Martin Glass & Mirror in Costa Mesa.

If the doors are made of inexpensive steel and you know who the manufacturer is, you could contact them about ordering a new door, and that may be a better deal.

There are many thin doors out there that aren’t worth fixing when the mirror cracks; you’re better off replacing the door itself. If you decide to have the mirror replaced, remember that it’s less expensive to remove the door and transport it to the glass shop (if you’re handy and have room in your car or truck).


Q I have a patio that was covered with a roof six years ago. At the points where the patio meets the exterior wall of my house, there was some leakage during the rain, in spite of the fact that gutters are all along that wall. Is it reasonable to expect a roof to last only six years?



Mission Viejo


A Depending on the type, you should get at least 15 to 20 years from modern roofing materials, says contractor Bill Cox of Anaheim.

Because the water seems to be coming from that point where the house meets the patio, check to see if the gutters above the patio roof are in good condition. Over time they can pull away from the fascia boards. They can also fill with sand and dirt, causing them to overflow.

If the roof is attached to the stucco, the seal could be affected by settling of the house or movement of the patio structure.

If you have a question about your home or garden, A Helping Hand will help you find the answer. Send questions to John Morell, Home Design, The Times Orange County, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
