
James E. Rogan


“Oh, I feel like a kid in a candy store to be in the Congress of the United States.”

NAME: James E. Rogan

AGE: 40

HOME: Glendale

PROFESSION: Congressman (R-Glendale).

LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: As a freshman representative, Rogan was appointed to the prestigious Commerce Committee, which has wide jurisdiction over many industries and issues. He also sponsored an amendment to the budget bill that protected the broadcast spectrum used by police and fire agencies from being auctioned off by the Federal Communications Commission for use by television and radio stations.

GOALS FOR 1998: Rogan, a former Municipal Court judge, plans to introduce a bill imposing mandatory minimum sentences for people who use guns while transporting illegal immigrants across the border. A rising star in the Republican Party, Rogan has already been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate. The party is likely to give him a bigger role in the party leadership to increase his profile.
