
China and the Future of Taiwan


Hong Kong is now returned to China after 156 years of being a British colony, and the next will be Macao after 400 years of being a Portuguese colony. But what is next? It will not be Taiwan’s annexation to China. The next must be the democratization of China. China must change to a democratic nation first before reuniting with Taiwan.

Unlike Hong Kong, Taiwan is not a colony but is ruled by Chinese themselves. It is uncertain whether China and Taiwan will be reunited, but it is sure that Taiwan will never be part of Communist China. The West must speed up its pressure on China for change.


Granada Hills

* Your July 1 story ended with Martin Lee’s statement, “We must ask ourselves this question: Why must we pay such a high price to become Chinese again? Why won’t China give us democracy?”


All I heard was how bringing Hong Kong into China would bring more democracy to China. Who will be easier to suppress, the billions in China or the millions in Hong Kong? We have already seen that Chinese leaders do not care what the world thinks, with what they did in Tiananmen Square.

Where does it end? Several people in Beijing said it was only a matter of time before Taiwan was reunified and after that, where?


