
Kicking the Sniffing Habit


In the film “Citizen Ruth,” Laura Dern plays an addict who spends every cent she has on cans of glue and then passes out in a parking lot.

The Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Assn. has published a booklet, “Fighting Back: Helping Young People Kick the Sniffing Habit,” which warns of the dangers of inhalant abuse. Dangers can include irregular heartbeat, blurred vision and asphyxiation.

Long-term abuse can cause degeneration of the nervous system. High doses of inhalants can be fatal. The booklet points out warning signs of addiction, including dilated pupils and unsteady muscle coordination, and methods of assistance for addicts.


For a free copy of the booklet (available in English or Spanish), write “Fighting Back: Helping Young People Kick the Sniffing Habit,” Consumer Products Education Bureau, 1913 I St. NW, Washington, DC 20006.
