
Smart Talk on Health and Fitness, By Covert Bailey, Audio Editions, Two cassettes, Length: 3 hours, $19.95

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Nutrition guru Covert Bailey has put together an original three-hour lecture using much of the material in his bestsellers such as “Fit or Fat?” The result, “Smart Talk on Health and Fitness,” is a solid guide to health care very much molded by common sense. It may be too basic for your average alert adult, but seems a perfect gift for the college frosh who thinks she can care for herself--and whose parents know otherwise. Bailey has a peppy and witty style that works very well on audio, because his energy draws you in and keeps you attuned. Even if you don’t agree with everything he has to say, none of it is controversial and all of it is beneficially instructive. But there are spots when Bailey crosses the line from perky to cloying. Thankfully, he crosses back again just as quickly.

* Media Mix is a weekly look at what’s new in health and fitness, from books / magazines to videos / Web sites.
