
So what do you think?


Mick Jagger has been singing the blues about advertising and marketing since the early 1960s when he penned “Satisfaction”:

“When I’m watching my TV, and a man comes on to tell me how white my shirts could be. But he can’t be a man ‘cause he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me.”

The shoe is now on the other foot. The Rolling Stones have helped to redefine rock ‘n’ roll by forging lucrative sponsorship deals with the likes of Jovan and Anheuser-Busch. Now, band members have sold Sprint the right to pierce the Stones’ stylish logo with its trademark pin.


“Sometimes it’s amusing to go through the advertisements for upcoming concerts and count up the corporate sponsorships,” said Gary Bongiovanni, editor of Pollstar, a concert trade journal. “It’s not like the early days, when counterculture bands thought it was questionable to tie yourself to a corporate entity.”

What’s your opinion of corporate sponsorships? Did the Stones sell out by turning over about half of its concert seats to Sprint? Let us know via e-mail at; phone, (213) 237-3341; or fax, (213) 473-2480. We’ll print your comments next Thursday.
