
Street to Be Named After Restaurateur


Looking to memorialize one of the city’s first entrepreneurs, the City Council has decided to name a short street after the late Martha Zuniga, founder of the 50-year-old Lupe’s Mexican Restaurant.

Council members voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve a proposal by Councilman Andy Fox to name a short section of street near her business off Thousand Oaks Boulevard as Zuniga Ridge Lane in her honor.

Zuniga died last month. She was 87. The restaurant that she founded, named after her daughter, Lupe, remains one of the more popular establishments in Thousand Oaks.


Fox, who attended Zuniga’s funeral on behalf of the city, said he was moved by her many deeds and activities on behalf of community organizations.

“She was an integral part of this city,” he said, adding that while he could “go on and on” listing her impacts on Thousand Oaks, her donation of a half-acre of open space to the city near the Civic Arts Plaza alone made her special.

Mayor Judy Lazar said Zuniga was more than worthy of the honor.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Lazar said.
