
Politicians Create Agriculture Crisis


Is there really a crisis in agriculture in Ventura County? Does agriculture really need to be saved and by whom?

Let us really examine what is going on here, why the bandwagon.

First, who is really saying there is a crisis? It is a select few politicians who have selected this issue as an emotional no-lose way to further and perpetuate their political careers. It is not the vast majority of the real farmers in Ventura County.

In fact, even the reports they refer to point to a healthy agricultural industry with rising incomes and production acreage surpassing long-term acreage averages in the major crops.


Second, how is this issue being exploited? Create fear, fear of losing something, not agriculture, but scenery. The very scenery that represents what many of their constituents have moved to, to escape from urban Southern California. Fear that farmers are not really farmers, but demon developers.

How do they do this? It is easy. Simply point to the visual Ventura Freeway corridor and say “See, agriculture is disappearing,” or point to a half-baked report that does not differentiate between open space and agriculture, and never specifically refers to where this mythical 1,000 acres of land is going out of production each year.

In reality, agricultural acreage has remained relatively constant since 1974. Where’s the beef?

Let’s be honest, we are dealing with a no-growth agenda based upon fear, and the political aspirations of a select few who are irresistibly attracted to the limelight. Let’s be honest, agriculture has nothing to do with the SOAR initiatives. What will the response be to this letter? Let the demonizing, finger pointing and fear mongering begin.


Senior vice president/farming

Limoneira Co.

Santa Paula
