
Smart Aleck

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The question March 29: The Boy Scouts can exclude agnostics and gays, the state Supreme Court says. Who else should be declared verboten?

All with six toes, nerds, fatsoes, shorties, dimwitted, pimple-faced and nonconformists.

So who’s left?

Ed Fishel, Van Nuys


All overly religious fanatics and overly macho sexist and homophobic bullies! Better yet, all children of wimpy California Supreme Court justices!

Jerry Rubin, Santa Monica


The Boy Scouts should declare verboten whoever decided that honest gays and agnostics who admitted they were gay or agnostics should be verboten!


Walt Hopmans, Santa Barbara


The Boy Scouts or any other private organization should exclude anyone who refuses to read the BIG PRINT before seeking membership.

Colby Earnest, Brea


The Boy Scouts should also exclude crybabies, tantrum throwers and boys with parents who are attorneys or ACLU members who want to sue the Boy Scouts to further their own careers!

David Klinger, La Habra


Abolish the 9th District Court of Appeals, politicians, lawyers as television commentators huckster posing as pundits on all national and international topics.


Jerome Ehrlich, Laguna Hills


Why should the agnostic and gays force their views on an organization that is based on “Trust in God”? If they want to join the Scouts, then abide by their rules.

The tone of your question is obviously attempting to incite a liberal-left response. The use of “verboten” stirs up thoughts of Hitler. How can that even be closely compared to the Scouts excluding agnostics and gays?

Steve Morgan, Torrance
