
Ex-Lawyer for Tripp Slient Before Grand Jury

Associated Press

A former lawyer for Linda Tripp refused Thursday to answer grand jury questions about the tapes Tripp secretly made of her conversations with former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky.

The grand jury is investigating whether Tripp broke Maryland wiretapping laws when she recorded phone conversations with Lewinsky last fall. It subpoenaed attorney Jim Moody to turn over any tapes in his possession.

“I simply told them I had nothing to give them,” Moody said.

Moody, who represented Tripp from January to April, refused to answer the grand jury’s questions about the tapes, invoking attorney-client privilege. He said the grand jury asked him 15 questions, including whether he ever had any tapes, made any copies of tapes or gave any tapes to anyone else.


Tripp told independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s grand jury last summer that she taped at least two conversations in December 1997 after being warned by lawyers that it was against the law in Maryland.
