
A Death in the Family


In response to Vince Garofalo (Letters, Dec. 13), I can assume--and hope--that he has never had to suffer the unexpected death of a loved one. To be that insensitive shows lack of experience, empathy or human compassion.

The night we found my brother’s body, we immediately called the police, so there was no phone call to notify us. The officers did their job thoroughly and efficiently while not inflicting needless additional pain.

None of us were public figures and this happened long before the current fad of intruding on private grief. We had caring friends and family helping us through the tortuous days, weeks and months but, even so, there were times of incredible pain. A song, a sight, a word could bring the searing hurt alive again at a moment’s notice. I cannot imagine what a TV photo would have done to us adults, not to mention his young son.


The cause of death is not the point and I don’t ask for pity. I also “choose my own heroes.” And that is why I never watch a show that exploits the pain of others.


La Canada
