
Smart Aleck


The question Jan. 18: “A Chicago scientist last week promised to defy the law and to clone a human. So, who do you nominate to be the first guinea pig--and who should not ever be cloned? And why?”

To be cloned: Mrs. Clinton. We need more wives who’ll support their hubbies no matter what.

Never to be cloned: Her hubby. Do you really want to ask why?

Y. Gurvich, Manhattan Beach


I think the first person to be cloned should be O. J. Simpson. Make hundreds of clones of him so he can spread out all over the country and find the real killer(s).


Russ Fega, Altadena


Johnny Depp should be the first person cloned because he is perfect! He is handsome, kind, talented, rich and creative. Please clone him for me!

Cyndi Peterson, San Pedro


Who? No one, not even a guinea pig. Why? Don’t we have a population problem already? Isn’t it enough that technology has allowed a woman to give birth to seven babies? Let’s keep the creation of humankind in the womb, not a lab.

AM.C., Studio City


I nominate the first to be cloned (with his advance approval and contract) Alec Baldwin. His compassion and integrity should be reproduced and injected into more of the entertainment industry.

Never clone Newt Gingrich. The world has seen one too many of him already.

Linda Porter, Los Angeles


The human vessel is an organic radio only. If you have 12 Alec Baldwins sitting in a room, each one will always be uniquely different.

Alan Smithee Jr., Burbank


Nix on postal workers. However, they can be emergency cloned if martial law is declared.

Wayne E. Scott, Camarillo


That same Chicago scientist should be the first guinea pig. If it doesn’t work out, he’d be burdened to live with himself.

And for the one who should not ever be cloned? That’s a tough one . . . Charles Manson?

Emmanuel Rustia, Chino Hills


Clone the hairdresser who does Paula Jones’ hair pro bono. Before he came along, she looked like a veritable “charity case.” Think what he could do for Janet Reno.


Bob Canning, Burbank


To be cloned: Janeane Garofalo--another smart, funny, beautiful woman can only bring good to the world.

Scott McCullough, La Palma
