
Cemetery May Cost $7 Million to Refurbish


The prospective buyer of Hollywood Memorial Park says that it may take as much as $7 million to put the famous but long-neglected cemetery back in shape.

The repair estimates prompted Eileen Callanan to ask for a two-week escrow extension, until Jan. 12, to give her more time to explore funding sources before she purchases the property. “I don’t have $7 million,” said Callanan, who won approval from a federal bankruptcy judge last month to buy the cemetery for $375,000.

Callanan, a Hollywood mortuary operator, said she is looking for pledges of private and government support so “that I know I’m not in this alone.” She has received numerous calls and letters from people concerned about the resting place of such Hollywood legends as Tyrone Power and Cecil B. De Mille, but thus far, she said, no firm offers of financial help.


An aide to Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg said her office has lined up some possible historic preservation grants and private donations and is talking to the Department of Water and Power about discounting the cemetery’s hefty water bill.

“I’m very confident we can put a package together that will meet the Callanans’ needs,” Roxana Tynan said, adding that in the long run, the cemetery may be operated on a nonprofit basis.
