
“Buns of Steel: Target Toning Workout”, “Buns of Steel: Total Body Fat Burner”, “Abs of Steel: Target Toning Workout”, WarnerVision Entertainment, 1997, $9.99 each


This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco. These ain’t no girlie, girlie tapes about self-acceptance and self-esteem. It’s the punch-out return of “Buns of Steel,” retooled for the ‘90s as “Total Body Fat Burner,” “Target Toning Workout” and “Abs of Steel: Target Toning Workout.” You know it, you love it, and presumably millions of you are walking around with posteriors.

You want Richard Simmons soft-rocking to the oldies? You want a holistic mind-body exercise that probes reasons behind inactivity? Then don’t try this at home.

Three very businesslike workout artists push through intensive workouts without much chatter, except for a few breathless, “You go, girls.” Not happy with your body? Then kick. Want to get into that little black cocktail dress? Then push. Tired of your flabby tummy after those two kids? Then burn, baby, burn.


“Buns of Steel: Target Toning Workout” is the most creative of the three, with moves from kick boxing, in-line skating and ballet turned brutal and sadistic.

This reviewer found the tapes a little rough for the blessedly out of shape and, in all fairness, spent a good deal of “Abs of Steel” nursing a 6-month-old abs buster.

The original “Steel” series was fabulously successful, and nothing we say will cool off buns fever--except maybe that with that kind of money, you’d think WarnerVision could afford a better soundtrack than the tired old “Disco Inferno.” Even Miss Disco Diva herself, Donna Summer, must be sick of leg kicks to “She Works Hard for the Money.”
