
Explorer Post Wins Driving Competition

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The Simi Valley Police Department’s Explorer Post No. 2910 won the top honor in its category at the 45th annual Youth Safety Run to Yosemite National Park.

The four-day event, which ended June 25, included participants from Explorer posts throughout the Los Angeles area.

Explorers Dan Geerwen, Pete Thepkulchon and Brent Schneider made up this year’s team from Simi Valley. They were accompanied by Officer Tom Meyer and dispatcher Marty Mesa, who acted as traffic controllers and safety patrols during the event.


The Youth Run is a driving competition in which Explorers try to beat other competitors by driving the distance to the park in the most efficient and safe manner.

The event is designed to promote safe driving and fuel conservation.

The Explorers, who are affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America’s Ventura County Council, are young men and women between the ages of 14 and 21 who are interested in law enforcement and their communities.
