
Czar’s Funeral

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Re “80 Years Later, Czar and Family to Rest in Peace,” July 17: Reeling from economic crises, the dirt-poor Russian government has just lavished a reported $833,000, but probably considerably more, on a splendid state funeral for the charred bones of Czar Nicholas II and his family. Which suggests that Russia’s basic problem has never been communism, the Mafia or capitalism, but that as a nation they are collectively insane.

In view of this spectacle, do the folks who run the International Monetary Fund still plan to bail out the Russian economy with billions in loans? Would any of these generous souls lend Russia a kopeck out of their own pockets?

If he were alive, Czar Nicholas, whose blithe detachment from reality helped lead to his nation’s destruction, would feel right at home in this whole mishegoss.



Pacific Palisades
