
Finding on Neutrinos


Re “World of Physics Jolted by Finding on Neutrinos,” June 5:

I was surprised when I read this article. Way back in the 1950s, as a young, inquisitive scientist fresh out of school, I became involved in discussions with some senior colleagues about particles and matter. At that time the general consensus of the group was that a logical extension of Einstein’s theory predicts that an infinite number of particles can exist and many would be found. It was also our conclusion that negative particles and negative mass also existed. Over the years, scientific findings seem to be verifying this hypothesis more and more.

The same extension of logic also predicts that every particle will also have mass. It’s 48 years later and the fact that a neutrino has mass becomes front-page news. What’s going on? Am I the only one in the world that is surprised by this statement? Am I the only one that understands what a black hole is? Someone out there, please tell me I’m not alone.


Los Angeles

* The truth has come out. Contrary to what the government says, people are not really overweight. It’s just the neutrinos adding to the weight of our bodies.



North Hollywood
