
Drypers Proves It Can Stack Up Against Rivals

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Advertiser: Drypers

Agency: Suissa Miller Advertising, Los Angeles

Challenge: In its first national TV campaign, tiny Drypers disposable diapers tries to position itself as a preferable alternative to Procter & Gamble’s Pampers and Kimberly Clark’s Huggies.

The Ad: Three adorable babies wearing only diapers each sit on a stack of diapers representing the three rival brands. As an announcer lists the attributes of Drypers, the Drypers stack becomes taller, boosting the baby higher. Hard-to-see fine print notes the comparisons are to Pampers Baby-Dry and Huggies Ultra-Trim.

Comment: The TV spot opens by saying the three brands protect against leakage and wetness, thus putting Drypers (with about 7% of the disposable diaper market) in the same league as its bigger competitors. Drypers argues that it offers more than its rivals--aloe vera, baking soda and a money-back guarantee. A happy baby on the Drypers stack implies the brand keeps baby dry. $$$
