
Need for Older Workers


Re “Who Will Replace Retiring Boomers?” June 8: What irony. Not more than a decade ago, older workers were forced out of their jobs because they were “out of touch” and “too expensive.” Who took their place? Young, arrogant, ignorant baby boomers. Technology was everything and the old ones just didn’t understand. Right?

Now, the shoe is on the other foot as the boomers are getting old and must continue to work because of the economy they created. They cannot afford to retire. Now, they will be clamoring to stay in the workplace. Now, their companies will have to continue to employ those older, expensive workers who have been out of touch from the day they were born into postwar affluence and, ultimately, decadence and demise.

Life is a cabaret?


Sherman Oaks


The media tell us that we are the richest nation in the world, while 25% of our children live in poverty. Major corporations fire tens of thousands of workers, while the media tell us that the very same corporations are so short of help that they must import workers from overseas.


Now, at a time when it is virtually impossible for a person over the age of 50 to find any work that pays a living wage, regardless of his/her experience or qualifications, The Times expects us to take seriously your June 8 article, which asks us to believe that we are running out of older workers. Is it any wonder that hardly anyone believes what you guys write anymore?


Los Angeles
