
Hahn Will Speak at Homeowners Meeting

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City Atty. James Hahn will discuss charter reform during the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. meeting Wednesday.

The regular monthly meeting will begin at 8 p.m. at The Ventura, 13920 Ventura Blvd.

Hahn will review the need to reform the Los Angeles City Charter. He will address why elected neighborhood councils would be an integral part of successful charter reform.

“The most significant issue in charter reform is whether or not local neighborhoods will be empowered through a new city charter,” said Richard Close, president of the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. “Hahn’s proposal for elected neighborhood councils with authority [is] the most important aspect of charter reform.”


Representatives from Valley Vote will be on hand to circulate petitions calling for the Local Agency Formation Commission to study the feasibility of the Valley seceding from Los Angeles.

Also on the agenda will be an update on the Deervale-Stone Canyon development project in the Santa Monica Mountains, as well as a report on the Village Gardeners organization’s plans to continue enhancing the Los Angeles River in the Sherman Oaks area.
