
Broken Heart, Mended Lifestyle

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One of my 1998 New Year’s resolutions was to write to The Times Health section with my weight-loss story.

Even though my story began in an unhappy fashion, the continuing outcome is extremely positive.

In December 1995, I was weighed at my doctor’s office at 150 pounds. I am 5-foot-3 and have a small frame.


At that time, I was in a relationship with a man, happily in love and eating everything and anything that I wanted. Ice cream, fatty meats, chocolate and loads of fried foods were the daily fare. I continued eating this way, did virtually no exercise and stayed big.

In February 1996, my relationship abruptly fell apart. I was devastated. As a result, I could not eat and had no desire for food. Even food ads on TV made me nauseated. I basically lived on water for a week.

From that pivotal point I began to exercise instead of eating, walking once, sometimes twice a day. I would walk briskly in the morning about 35 to 40 minutes. After two months of this routine, I noticed a considerable difference in body shape. I began working out with weights at Bally’s two to three times a week, still walking, taking vitamins and revamping my food intake from the high-fat foods I had been eating. My old diet was a thing of memory.


Everyone I know took notice and commented on the visible change from 150 pounds in February 1996 to the new 104 pounds about a year later in January 1997.

I am still maintaining my diet and exercise routine so that I can still wear all the new size 4 dresses.


Vital Statistics

Name: Tina Udelson

Age: 50


Antiques dealer

Height: 5 feet, 3 inches

Old Weight: 150

New Weight: 104

Time to get there: 11 months
