
Interracial Adoptions


Regarding “County Pays $300,000 in Adoption Lawsuit,” April 30: In 1990 and 1991 my husband and I attempted to adopt through the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. We were willing to adopt children of any ethnicity, sibling groups as large as four children and older children as well. Surprisingly, there were no children for us.

Our social worker told us that because we were Caucasian, we could only adopt Caucasian children. When I inquired about mixed-race children, I was told that children could be placed only with the “predominant” race. I guess we should say thank you to the department. We adopted our children, Philip and Aaron, in 1991 and 1993--in Mexico. We would not have our wonderful sons, who happen to be Hispanic, if DCFS had allowed us to adopt here.


Culver City


The racial discrimination incurred by the Rev. Wayne Coombs and his wife at the hands of black social workers is a perfect example of how the racial tension in this country is not one-sided. While most of us think of racial discrimination as being perpetrated against blacks by whites, the problem goes much deeper. Hispanics, whites, blacks and Asians are all guilty of various levels of racial intolerance.


As a white male, I am willing to admit the problem of racial discrimination by some of my white counterparts. However, until the minority community admits its problems with some of its own, we will never be able to adequately deal with the overall problems of racial discrimination.


