
Eviction From Mobile Home Park


Re the letter “Mobile Home Park Eviction,” April 26, signed by 62 neighbors of Bill Dickey.

It truly saddens me that there are 62 neighbors of Mr. Dickey who would rather kick the man when he’s down than spend the energy to find out what really happened.

I have always had the utmost respect and admiration for our elders. I believe that too many people today don’t appreciate the great gifts of wisdom and experience our elders contain.


I may not represent the 62 residents of the Thunderbird Mobile Home Park but I have represented many seniors, and I will continue to stand up for any member of the unprivileged public who opposes those who abuse because no one person can combat the ills and ravages in a world of abuse by themselves.

Honestly, I’m amazed that you seniors aren’t looking out for one another, protecting each other or even bothering to lend a helping hand. What is being done to Mr. Dickey is not only unjust, it is cruel and vindictive treatment.

I would like to ask every resident of our community to try and imagine what it would be like to find yourself barred from living in your home: no bed to sleep in, no alarm clock to wake you, no bathroom to wash in, no kitchen to cook in, no light to read by, no television, no phone and no address to even receive mail.

Just stop for one minute and consider what has been done to Bill Dickey and then ask what kind of crime you would have to commit to justify losing everything you possess. Murder? Mayhem? What?

Now tell us exactly what Mr. Dickey, a 72-year-old senior citizen, did to deserve losing everything he lived for and everything he owns.

What the mind confuses, the heart makes clear. What is yours saying?

God bless each and every one.

CHRIS BUCKETT, Thousand Oaks
