
Kosovo Observers

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Re “Pact Brings No Peace to Kosovo Villagers,” Oct. 26:

It should have been obvious from the start that U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke’s agreement with Serbia’s President Slobodan Milosevic to allow 2,000 unarmed international observers into Kosovo would not work. The Serbs’ attack on the mourners during the funeral services for a young Albanian boy who was killed by Serbs the day before, and the refusal of the “observers” to accompany the mourners in order to protect them, demonstrated succinctly that having unarmed observers serves no purpose whatsoever. It would be a joke if it were not such a tragedy.

As a matter of fact, it could be dangerous for the Albanians, who might feel safe and protected by the international observers, when in reality they are not, as was made quite clear by the American diplomat who refused to attend the funeral, saying: “Our presence at the grave site will not protect anyone.” Then what is the point of having them there? Serbs are only too aware of this and act accordingly.

