
Universal Expansion


Congratulations on your editorial (“Reasonable Compromise,” Sept. 20). I’m pleased that The Times recognizes the importance of Universal Studio’s master plan to the health and wealth of our region’s future.

I am one of those North Hollywood community neighbors who has been following the plan from inception. It was because of Universal involvement in the community and its efforts to communicate and listen to its neighbors that the original plan was reduced by over 40%. It is indeed a reasonable compromise that protects the neighborhoods and gives Universal the assurances it needs to move ahead with its 15-year project.

We should not lose sight of the fact that Universal is making this kind of investment in our community without the use of any taxpayers dollars. Universal should be commended for moving forward with a project that will provide the growth we’ll need to keep our local economy growing in the years to come.


HERBERT W. PENCILLE, North Hollywood
