
Democrats’ Goals on Diversity


* Re “Democrats Seek Diversity for L.A. Convention,” Aug. 12: The second paragraph of the subject article reads, “The state party wants 26% of its delegates to be Latino, 16% African American, 10% disabled, 9% Asian-Pacific Islander, 1% American Indian, 5% gay men and 5% lesbian.” A diversity purist would commend this goal as inclusionary. I call it exclusionary. Why? There is no quota for white people. Is it any surprise that I, a white male, am suspicious of the diversity movement?

And another thing, the quota is for 26% “Latino.” By not saying “Latino American,” is the Democratic Party leaving the door open for illegal immigrants to participate in the U.S. electoral process? Such intentions are consistent with initiatives pursued by Latino legislators. I refer to Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa lauding Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo for helping defeat implementation of Proposition 187, and the failed bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license without documented proof of legal residence.


Granada Hills

* As a native of Idaho, I am deeply offended by California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres’ throw-away remark about Idaho. Has Torres ever even been to Idaho--home to some of the friendliest, most unaffected people in the 50 states?


The California delegation to the Democrats’ convention has no claim to diversity until its membership contains the exact percentage of Idaho-borns who now live in the Golden State.


Los Angeles
