
Reader Puts Kings Through the Five-Hole

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How bad are the Kings? Let me try to break things down:

1. The ownership is too interested in buying a new soccer team or getting a football team for Los Angeles.

2. The general manager has no experience and is afraid to make trades or sign any high-priced free agents.

3. The coaching is horrific. Bad does not begin to describe it. [Larry Robinson] has been here four seasons (including this one), and the Kings have only made the playoffs one time. How many chances does he get before they say enough is enough?


4. There are only four or five players plus the two goalies that any other team in the league would consider accepting in a trade. Did Tim [Leiweke] and Dave [Taylor] ever really believe they could make the playoffs with a team like this?

5. Last but certainly not least. Please explain if you can, how an expansion team like Nashville can have more points that the Kings? This just shows that everything I’ve outlined is true. If you doubt me, look at all the empty seats at the next home game.

GINO ACETO, Chino Hills
