
A Blissful Vision of the Afterlife


Dear Cynthia: In my dream I am driving down a road alone in the dead of night. Suddenly, I am in a large room with many people milling around. None of us know how we got there, and some people are angry. Eventually, we figure out that we are all dead. It’s the only explanation we can come up with.

I see two people I know: former co-workers, a man and a woman. The woman is sitting; she is very silent and looks very sad. The man is a friend of mine who died some years back. He approaches me smiling, and shakes my hand and tells me, “I see you finally made it.”

All of a sudden we are told to stand and form a line of twos. A beautiful woman comes up to me with a big smile on her face and takes me by the arm. We walk up a flight of stairs that turns to the left. At the top of the stairs is an open doorway with light shining through. I walk through the doorway and the bright light is overwhelming. I am overtaken by the most wonderful feeling of well-being as soon as I enter the room.



Rancho Cucamonga

Dear Reader: It’s apparent that for some reason, death has been in your thoughts lately. But yours is one of those exceptional dreams that can help relieve any fear of death. And living without this fear can enhance the quality of life.

As the dream begins, you are on the road of life, you are alone and it is night--the first indication that you are thinking about the end of life, a time that is down the road for us all.

In the room with others who presumably also have died, you see what seems reasonable: that there may be some confusion and anger, at least initially, among those who have passed on. But your former co-workers represent acceptance and nonacceptance of death--and you embrace acceptance, recognizing the one who greets you warmly.

There is order in the afterlife; you are told to line up. You won’t be alone--a beautiful woman takes you by the arm. Perhaps this is your idea of heaven. Or a beautiful woman simply may represent a positive, nurturing helper during this transition.

You begin ascending the stairs, moving upward toward the afterlife (up is good!). Left is associated with spiritual matters (and right with material matters). The overwhelming light and wonderful feeling you experience beyond the doorway indicate that you will be accepted into the spiritual realm and will be very happy there.

Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (213) 237-0732 or e-mail them to Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. “In Your Dreams” appears every other Monday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.


Cynthia Richmond explains children’s dreams on our Kids’ Reading Room page every Wednesday.
