
Availability of Guns, Bullets


James Hahn’s article telling how easy it is for kids to obtain guns is scary (Commentary, May 31). Why not make it difficult to get bullets? Crooks can’t make their own bullets--particularly for such a precision machine as an automatic weapon. A fast, positive deterrent to gun murder would be this:

A government inspector would be stationed at the shell factory to monitor each shipment.

An application approved by a police department would be required by every vendor of bullets.


Los Angeles


L.A. City Atty. Hahn wants to use the law to force changes in the gun market by holding manufacturers responsible for their products. I will add to that theory my claim that the city has some responsibility here too. The city should buy and equip its police officers with “weapons that cannot be operated by children or anyone other than the lawful purchasers.”


By continuing to purchase the current product for its officers, the city is approving the status quo. The city should put its money where its mouth is.


San Diego


Frederick Borsch’s essay (Voices, May 29) is interesting; however, it gets one critical fact wrong. In 1952 guns were much more easily available than they are now. There was no waiting period to buy guns, nor were background checks required. It was not until 1968 that mail-order sales of guns were banned. In most states a minor could buy handgun ammunition--something which they may not legally do today.

If he and others wish to determine why the illegal use of firearms today is so much higher than it was in the ‘50s, they will need to examine factors other than the availability of guns.




So the gun-control advocates want law-abiding citizens to turn in their guns. How are advocates of gun control going to get the guns away from the criminals? Wake up! I’m not about to leave my family and myself at the mercy of some thug.

There’s a word for a world that has no crime or violence and everyone just gets along. It’s called Utopia. Not in my lifetime.


Huntington Beach
