
Motley Fool Founder to Speak at Conference


Tom Gardner, who with his brother David founded the Motley Fool online investment service, will speak at The Times’ third annual Investment Strategies Conference this weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The Gardners believe most people can manage their own finances, and their Web site, books and newspaper columns are devoted to exchanging investment ideas and educating the public with a distinctive, lighthearted approach. Their Web site is at, and their Times’ Web feature can be found at

Gardner’s sessions at the conference--2:15 p.m. Saturday and 10:15 a.m. Sunday--will focus on maintaining both common sense and a lighthearted outlook in the often topsy-turvy investment world.


Gardner will be available to sign Motley Fool books at the Motley Fool booth (No. 133) at the conference’s exhibition hall from 4 to 5 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 1 p.m. Sunday.
