
Obesity in U.S.


Re “Why Eating Is So Natural,” by Ellen Ruppel Shell, Opinion, Nov. 7: Jeffrey Friedman would have been wise to look at other cultures where food is plentiful before wasting five years studying leptin. A cursory glance would have told him that obesity is endemic only in America and thus unlikely to be totally genetic in origin.

Now that obese Americans can no longer claim to be victims of “leptin insufficiency,” perhaps they will address the true reasons for their obesity--themselves. Maybe it’s time the obese listened to their bodies and stopped eating when they are full or bored or depressed.


Granada Hills

* Genetics and biology are only part of the story of obesity. Our genetics have not changed over the decades but our waistlines have. My experience in working with people with diabetes has convinced me that the real issue is with our culture of consumption. From the “Super Big Gulp Plus” to “supersize me” to “must-see TV,” we are being marketed to consume larger and larger food portions and spend our time in passive entertainment.


A recent article that has been given a lot of press showed that just cutting back on television helped children improve their obesity measures. Forget about your genes; get your jeans on, go outside, plant a vegetable garden and then eat the vegetables.


