
Nun to Obey Vatican on Gay Ministry

Associated Press

A nun ordered by the Vatican to cease her ministry to gay and lesbian Roman Catholics says that she will obey but will work within the church to have the order reversed.

Sister Jeannine Gramick said in a statement that she believes it more beneficial to minister to homosexuals with the church’s blessing than without it.

She called on fellow Roman Catholics to “help me find creative, collaborative ways to lift the burden of this directive from my shoulders.”


Gramick, 57, and the Rev. Robert Nugent were summoned to Rome in July and ordered to stop their work. Nugent said last month he would comply.

Although the church teaches that homosexual acts are evil, it also says that homosexuals should be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Gay rights groups have said the two repeatedly refused to condemn homosexual acts as evil and instead sought reconciliation for gays with the church.
