
It’s Not a Job for Do-It-Yourselfers


Thinking of trying to fight termites on your own?

Several products are available at hardware stores, home centers and on the Internet for do-it-yourself treatment of drywood and subterranean termites, including wood sprays and baits.

But most experts recommend seeking professional help.

“Treatments, especially underneath or in attics of homes, can be dangerous,” said UC Berkeley professor Vernard Lewis.

“It’s best to leave the inspections and treatment to professionals who are licensed and knowledgeable about the conditions unique to your area.”


Brad Kard, with the U.S. Forest Service, pointed out that most homeowners also lack the special tools and equipment, such as pumps, nozzles and mixers, available to pest-control companies.

If you are going to tackle termites yourself, it’s best to use the products as preventive measures, said Jim Olsen, manager for United Industries, the manufacturer of Terminate, a do-it-yourself baiting system. If you have an active infestation, he said, you should call a pest-control company.


Drywood Termites

* One-half inch long

* Reside aboveground in dry, undecayed wood

* Colony size: 300 to 2,700 termites

* Nests cut across wood grain

Subterranean Termites

* One-quarter inch long

* Reside underground in moist soil

* Colony size: 200,000 to 1 million termites

* Nests follow wood grain
