
Supt. Zacarias


Your Oct. 19 editorial, “Zacarias Should Leave Quickly,” doesn’t really address the main problem. “He has not been able to change an unresponsive bureaucracy.” As a 36-year educator of LAUSD, now retired, I say it can be changed. You must have someone in charge who doesn’t just say that there are 100 schools on probation because management didn’t do a good job. You can’t fire teachers but you can fire management at all levels. My rough estimate is that 25% of all management should be replaced now. (I was an administrator for 10 years in the LAUSD.)

Your editorial states that two-thirds of students in LAUSD cannot read, write or do math at grade level. We are an embarrassment to the nation. Surely, 700,000 students need a leader with guts. Ruben Zacarias doesn’t fit the bill. Get him out of there now! Let’s break up the unresponsive bureaucracy once and for all.


West Hills


Re embattled school chief Zacarias’ refusal to leave office, I have just two words: Daryl Gates.



Los Angeles


Re the Belmont Learning Complex: What am I missing here? For over 40 years Beverly Hills High School has been and still is sited atop an oil field. And for over 40 years that oil has been pumped and sold. What does Beverly Hills know that LAUSD does not know?


