
Do Smoothies Give You a ‘Real’ Boost?


The names -- “coldbuster,” “powerboost” and “healthy healer” -- conjure up images of health, vitality, a modern-day fountain of youth.

These are just some of the catchy names given to the hundreds of smoothie-type drinks sold at juice bars across the nation. But like the sprinkles you get at the ice cream store, these fruit and vegetable drinks have mix-ins, with names like ginseng, ginkgo biloba, calcium and creatine.

While these extras are good at boosting beverage sales, how effective are they at improving your health? How much nutritional and health information do you really have about that banana-strawberry smoothie with a shot of saw palmetto?


Unlike those herbal or dietary supplement products you may see at the pharmacy, juice bar drinks don’t come with labels that list ingredients or provide any health warnings.

If you have a medical condition, take prescription drugs or combine the wrong supplements, the lack of disclosure could cause problems.

The fortified drinks available at juice bars have been a hit with aging baby boomers seeking to stay youthful, fitness buffs hoping to kick up their workout routines and dieters striving for a balance of protein and nutrients as they cut back on calories. And then there are kids and others looking for a tasty and healthier alternative to soft drinks or fast food meals.

To be sure, juice bar drinks can help you meet an important nutritional need. The average American consumes fewer than three servings a day of fruit and vegetables, well short of the minimum five servings recommended by U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition guidelines. Many of us consider it just too much trouble to prepare fruits and vegetables for our meals, so it’s easier to head to one of the roughly 300 juice bars in Southern California for a quick hit of health.

But while there’s little question about the healthfulness of a fresh fruit smoothie, what happens when you toss in an assortment of herbs, vitamins or other supplements?

Kirk Perron, founder and chairman of the juice bar chain Jamba Juice Co., says that about 98% of customers order their beverage with at least one supplement. The chain offers a free “boost,” or supplement, with each drink, so only 2% of customers decline the supplement, he says. The most popular supplement mix is the Vita Juice Boost, described as “100% DV [daily value] of 20 vital vitamins and minerals for total health.”


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration only loosely regulates dietary supplement products, which are not required to go through the same type of “safety and effectiveness” examination as prescription drugs.

Most juice bars have the traditional menu on the wall, listing their juice drinks and ingredients, including any nutritional supplements. Both Robek’s and Jamba Juice, the two biggest juice-bar chains in Southern California, offer complete nutritional information in their stores and on their Internet sites; however, neither has available any information about potential drug interactions or adverse reactions from the supplements they sell.


Recently, I informally visited seven locations, including chain outlets and an independent juice bar located in a health food store. On each visit, I asked a store clerk about any possible interactions between prescription drugs and St. John’s wort, echinacea and ginseng. The good news is I received no incorrect information; the problem was the clerks had no information available about interactions.

I recommend that consumers check out the supplements they order before adding them to their drinks. Some, such as calcium and magnesium, when combined, can counteract each other’s benefits. Others, such as the herbal supplements echinacea and St. John’s wort, may counteract the effect of certain prescription drugs. For example, recent studies have found that St. John’s wort could interfere with essential medications prescribed for people with the AIDS virus and for organ transplant recipients.

Perron insists that he is unaware of any customer ever requesting information on interactions between various supplements and prescription drugs in the 10 years that Jamba has been in business. But if customers began asking for such information, he says, the stores would start providing it.


The need for information about nutritional supplements is not limited to juice bars. Supermarkets, health food stores, ice cream parlors and other places where nutritional supplements are sold should also make more information available.


Another thing that would help consumers would be better training of workers involved in selling dietary supplements. Responsible retailers should dissuade employees from playing doctor or nutritionist, from “diagnosing” customers’ health ailments or implying that a supplement will be a cure or replace conventional medical therapy.

As the U.S. population grows grayer and more of us begin taking prescription drugs for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and depression, we can anticipate more potential problems with supplement and drug interactions.

For more information about drug and supplement interactions, you can contact your pharmacist, who should have information on the subject. Also useful are Web sites run by the FDA (, USDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition ( and the National Institutes of Health (


Phil Lempert hosts a national syndicated radio show and is the food correspondent for NBC’s “Today” show. He can be reached at His column appears the first and third Mondays of the month.




What You Should Know

Here are some supplements and herbs included in juice drinks:


CREATINE (creatine monohydrate)

Promotes weight gain, muscle strength. Don’t take if you are allergic to any medication or foods. May enhance effects of whey protein and glutamine. Not much is known about theeffects of long-term use.



Helps prevent osteoporosis, treats calcium depletion, promotes normal growth. Don’t take if you have kidney disease, chronic constipation, irregular heartbeat, or are pregnant or breast-feeding. High does of magnesium, zinc, fiber and oxalates negatively affect calcium absorption. Caffeine, alcohol, phosphates, protein, sodium and sugar increase calcium excretion. Antacids that contain aluminum ultimately lead to an increase in bone breakdown and calcium excretion.




Treats depression, anxiety, stress and PMS. Don’t take with prescription antidepressants. Possible interactions with medications for depression, heart disease, seizures, certain cancers, oral contraceptives and HIV drugs. Avoid if pregnant. Should not be used by HIV patients and organ transplant recipients.



Manufactures collagen in the body and is a nutritional antioxidant and critical to immune function. Vital for wound repair, healthy gums and prevention of easy bruising.

Don’t take if you have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, history of kidney stones or kidney failure, or have had surgery on small intestine. No known adverse interactions. Does interfere with the blood test for vitamin B-12.



Maintains healthy immune system, for healing cuts and wounds. Helps maintain senses of taste and smell. Don’t take with high-fiber foods. Don’t take on empty stomach (especially if taking zinc sulfate). Calcium and iron may adversely effect absorption.



May boost the immune system and help combat stress and fatigue. Don’t take if you are pregnant, lactating, have high blood pressure, or heart arrhythmia or are diabetic. Don’t use with warafin, heparin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens, corticosteroids digoxin. Consuming caffeine increases risk of overstimulation and gastrointestinal upset.



Immune booster, commonly used to prevent colds, flu, upper respiratory tract infections, vaginal candidaisis, and to heal wounds. Don’t take for more than eight weeks. May counteract effects of drugs that suppress the immune system. Don’t use with medications that warn of liver problems.




Reduces stress, anxiety and insomnia. Enhances mental acuity, memory and sensory perception. Don’t take if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not take with other substances that act on nervous system: alcohol, barbiturates, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs.



Increases blood flow, improves alertness, enhances memory and concentration and elevates mood. It is a blood thinner. Ginko seeds are toxic and should never be consumed. Taking with anticoagulant drugs may increase the risk of stroke or excess bleeding. Should never be taken with nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, anticonvulsant drugs or tricyclic antidepressants.



Helps the common cold and sore throat symptoms, Crohn’s Disease, recurrent ear infections and in urinary tract infections. Pregnant women should not take it.



Is a protein supplement, may boost energy and aid in weight loss. Pregnant women should not take it.



Is used to treat enlarged prostate glands and other urogenital problems. In high doses, may cause mild gastrointestinal upset and headache. Consult a physician immediately if you suspect prostate problems.


Sources: National Institutes of Health, USDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Natural Pharmacy, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
