
Robert Ray


Jonathan Turley’s Aug. 22 commentary, “Ray Is Damned if He Does or if He Doesn’t,” comes as no surprise. Ever since the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke into the news, Turley has appeared in innumerable TV talk shows, magazines and newspapers. His voluminous comments are legally simplistic, and add up to a mindless diatribe against President Clinton and a defense of Turley’s friend, Kenneth Starr.

This pundit wants us to believe that the president committed such a heinous crime that he should be punished not once, not twice, but again and again. The American people have indicated repeatedly that they are tired of this ugly partisan persecution of Clinton.


Woodmere, N.Y.

* So Clinton lied about a sexual involvement with Lewinsky in order to protect the feelings of his wife and daughter. How did this hurt our country? This was a personal matter. President Reagan and Vice President Bush betrayed our country by sending arms to Iran and then lying about it. Which is the more serious offense?


Clinton accomplished so many valuable things for our country in spite of the constant roadblocks the Republicans threw at him. Imagine how much more he could have done for us without all of those unnecessary distractions.


Santa Monica
