
Nebraska City Council Election Decided by Draw

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From Associated Press

By the luck of the draw, Greg Manley started his first day Thursday as a member of the City Council.

The construction project supervisor thought he had lost his first try at politics when he checked the results of the Nov. 7 election and saw he trailed Cletus Petrzilka 97-93.

Absentee ballots, however, put them in a 97-97 tie.

They could have decided the outcome by drawing straws, rolling dice, flipping a coin or anything that would determine a winner by lot under Nebraska law.


The candidates agreed on drawing for the high card.

“He wouldn’t make a real good poker player,” Petrzilka said of Manley’s facial expression after his draw.

“Then I pulled the deuce and said, ‘Congratulations Greg, you’ve won’ and shook his hand,” he said.
