
One Border, but Many Differences

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* Alas, the column by Agustin Gurza concerning vigilantism and the thinly veiled threat of paupers storming the turrets will only fuel further Anglo fears and breed a peasants-with-pitchforks mentality among American readers (“Should Guns Really Rule Our Border?,” Nov. 28).

To insinuate that la invasion mexicana will become a war is irresponsible journalism.

Also, Gurza’s reference to Ronald Reagan’s Berlin Wall speech is specious on two counts. First, the Berlin Wall was erected to keep people in, not keep them out. Second, the wall separated a people united by language and culture.

Gurza needs to be reminded that these two premises do not relate to la frontera. The United States and Mexico may share the same border, but they are not united by a common language or culture. To paraphrase Reagan on this issue: A nation that cannot control its borders will lose its sovereignty.



Mission Viejo
