
Earthwatch: A Diary of the Planet

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Winter’s Worst

The second in a series of severe winter storms to sweep across the eastern United States and Atlantic Canada paralyzed parts of the region with ice, numbing cold and unprecedented amounts of snowfall. The storm first hit Georgia, where ice glazed trees and power lines, producing power failures that lasted for days in some communities. Instead of heading out to sea as predicted, the storm made a sharp 90-degree turn to the north and drifted slowly over the Carolinas and Virginia before skirting the coast of New England. The resulting heavy snowfall brought many communities to a standstill, including Washington.

Returning Famine

Drought and famine killed at least nine people during the week and forced thousands of families to flee their homes in the southern Somalian regions of Bakol and Gedo. The area was abandoned as its water supplies became exhausted after two years of drought. Witnesses reported that numerous farm animals have also died, and the rainy season is at least two months away. Serious food shortages and lack of water have also increased outbreaks of nutrition-related diseases such as tuberculosis and anemia.

Australian Heat Wave

At least 22 people died in a searing heat wave that enveloped northeastern Australia for several days. Hundreds of residents were treated for heatstroke, and more than 100 others were hospitalized. Brisbane averaged 106 degrees Fahrenheit.



A magnitude 5.5 temblor struck China’s quake-prone province of Yunnan but there were no reports of damage or injuries.

Earth movements were also felt in Southern California, New Hampshire, Taiwan, central Japan, southern Tibet, eastern Nepal and El Salvador.

Deadly Waves

At least 5,150 people were left homeless and scores of others injured by massive waves that swept over the remote southern Philippine province of Tawi-tawi. Scores of residents in the stricken coastal villages fled to higher ground in advance of 65-foot waves after local fishermen sounded the alert. Officials were at a loss to explain how the huge waves were generated.


Loyal to the Grave

A grieving sheepdog left the home of his new owners in Cheshire, Britain, and set out on a sad journey last Christmas Eve to find the grave of his deceased master, a place he had never been. The border collie Spot traveled four miles from his new home, dodging traffic on main highways, until he eventually found the cemetery where the farmer who had been his owner was buried. A policeman found Spot lying on the grave of his master in the yard of St. James Church. The dog was taken to the home of the trainer where he was born. The trainer plans to enter Spot in local sheepdog trials. The dog’s new house is appropriately named “Dunroamin.”
