
Russian Extremist Denied Ballot Spot

Associated Press

Russia’s election commission Thursday rejected fiery ultranationalist Vladimir V. Zhirinovsky’s application to run for president, saying he failed to report all his assets.

Zhirinovsky, whose erratic behavior and hectoring statements in parliamentary sessions have made him widely visible, had not been expected to perform well in the March 26 balloting in which acting President Vladimir V. Putin is the clear favorite.

He said he would appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

The Central Election Commission said it rejected Zhirinovsky’s application because his assets report failed to include a small apartment belonging to his son. Candidates must report on their family members’ financial standing as well as their own.


Zhirinovsky, speaking at the commission session, argued that the property constituted just 1% of his declared assets.

“Do I cite 99% and conceal 1% in order to harm myself?” he said.

Commission Chairman Alexander Veshnyakov rejected the argument, saying, “Is it really a problem for normal citizens to take account of their own possessions?”
